Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Blog Makeovers - Christmas/Winter

When I first started blogging, I wanted my blog to be special. I didn't want the same design as anyone else. It has taken me a couple of years to figure out all the things I wanted to do to get my blog exactly how I like it, so I would love to share that knowledge with YOU!

I love to help my friends with their blogs...I am NOT a pro, but I do know how to work around photoshop a bit, and I have amassed a huge collection of digital art to help me create individual designs. If you would like a blog update (FREE...I don't charge a cent! Most of the stuff I have I got for FREE!) please email me at hizzeather@gmail.com.

There are 2 options - You can add me as a blog author with admin privilages (so I can access your blog's html), or you can just give me your log-on info (most of my friends just do this...it's easier and I will not use my power for evil :).

I just got my new photoshop last night (HUGE thanks to my friend Ben who got me a discount), and these are what I've come up for the Holidays so far in the last couple hours. First come, first served. If you choose one of these, I'll take it off so no one has the same background. On some I made quick headers just so you can picture what it will look like when I add your custom header.
Let it Snow
Happy Holidays
Holly with Picture (your picture!)
Just to show you that I can change the background paper in a snap
Merry & Bright

If you hate these, don't worry...I can do whatever you'd like. Let me know your vision, or show me a link of a design you like and what changes you'd like, and I can do just about anything if I have the right stuff. I wish I could show you all the digital stuff I have, but I can't...it's just too much!

Also, if you have photoshop (or gimp, which is free online and very similar), you can make your own backgrounds and headers! I am happy to help you in any way that I can. Here are helpful links & tips that helped me figure all this stuff out -

Kevin & Amanda.com - GREAT tutorials!
How to make a blog background
How to make custom titles
ALL her blog tutorials
Her Fonts...the BEST!


Blogger Buster - Favicons made easy (That little icon in the tab, usually an orange B for Blogger)

Good'n'Crazy - How to make a "textarea" box to share your button with others

Blogspot 101 - How to get rid of those annoying borders in minima

Shabby Princess - Free Downloads of Digital Art
(They also have kits that you can buy)

Kevin & Amanda - Freebies, including digital kits (Amanda is my idol!)

You can buy digital art EVERYWHERE and find tons of freebies too...you just have to search. Google "digital kits" or "digital freebies" and stuff that like.

Or, if you want instant gratification, you can just go to Cutest Blog on the Block, Shabby Blogs, or any of the other free template sites. CBOTB also has great blog secrets.

These are the main ones I've used. There are tips to be found everywhere! They can still be a little confusing, so if you have any questions call or email me! I'm glad to help!

Hopefully you will now feel empowered now that you don't have to use the same old blogger templates or have the same template that everyone else got at cutest blog on the block (LOVE their stuff, great inspiration, but I get embarrassed when I have the same background as someone else, like we wore the same outfit to a party or something...silly, I know!).

And, of course, you can always PAY someone to give you a professional blog design. Yeah, it may cost you upwards of $20, but you get what you pay for, meaning these people know what they're doing! For the knowledge and expertise they have, they are not getting paid enough!

Happy Blogging!


Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Thanks for the link! You have some great stuff here!!! Did you get big boy photoshop?? I finally got my upload to PSE 8, and I haven't loaded it yet!!!!!!!!

Hizzeather said...

I got CS4...is that a big boy one? :) I don't know that much about it except for the stuff I've learned from tuorials! I'm kinda clueless, but trying to learn. I really want to get into photography and learn how to edit pictures professionally!

Nicole said...

I'm a little bored with Cuteculturechick, but that can wait. I need some help for Nicole Rates It. Let's make some magic!